Pentecost / Pinksteren / Pentecôte, 31-5-2020

GCL-Nederland bestaat uit meerdere Nederlandstalige en Franstalige groepen en een Engelstalige groep. Met Pinksteren vieren we de eucharistie dan ook in meerdere talen. De viering zal online worden uitgezonden.

Pinksteren (Bron: Catholic Exchange)

Tijdens deze viering verwelkomen we drie nieuwe teamleden in het nationale team van GCL-Nederland: Christine Behain, Emmanuelle Bottu en Caroline de Fauconval. We bedanken twee teamleden die hun termijn van vier jaar beëindigen: Liene Denkers en Gerwin Roffel. We vragen Gods zegen over hen allen en over de teamleden die aanblijven: Alain Benoit, Marielle Matthee en Ward Biemans SJ.

De viering begint om 16 uur, Eerste Pinksterdag. Wil je meevieren, stuur dan een e-mail aan, dan sturen we je de link en het digitale liturgieboekje.

Laudato Si´ Week

Hier onder volgt een brief van het GCL-Wereldbestuur:

Interdependence obliges us to think of one world with a common plan.”
Laudato Si´(164)

Dear World Community,

On May 24th it will be five years since Pope Francis published the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home. In this letter, the Pope has called us to an ecological conversion that must necessarily start from within our hearts. Laudato Si’ reminds us that care for one another, care for nature and care for our spiritual life are interconnected. We are experiencing this same reality in these times of the Covid-19 pandemic. “We are one humanity. Every human being, every people, every culture that contributes to human diversity is part of this one, varied, rich and interdependent humanity.”1

Since 2015, CLC has been part of the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM), a movement that works within the Catholic Church to better care for our common home2. The founding document of this movement is Laudato Si’. As part of the celebrations for this fifth anniversary, the GCCM, together with the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development, invites us to participate in the Laudato Si’ Week. Seeking to emphasize our interconnectedness as a global community and the need for solidarity and co-responsibility, the theme of the week will be “Everything is connected”.

From the World Executive Council, reaffirming our commitment and action with the Frontier area of Ecology, discerned and assumed in the General Assembly of Lebanon in 2013, we want to invite the World Community to participate in this Laudato Si’ Week. It will take place from May 16th to 24th. Information can be found at the link ( There you will find a video of Pope Francis inviting us to participate in Laudato Si’ week as well as a variety of online workshops, resources on the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’, and ways to share your own events and resources. The week will end on Sunday, May 24th, with the World Day of Prayer, when we are all invited to join in prayer for Our Common Home. It will be at 12:00 pm local time in each country. In this link you will find all the information to participate.

This experience that we are living is an invitation to deepen and improve our care of the other, of our common home, of ourselves. Let us contribute to a culture of care. This time of pandemic will only be useful if we take advantage of it to learn something that will transform us, that will convert us from within.

Let us pray to the Lord for Laudato Si Week, that it may be a time in which we take advantage to reflect, pray and allow ourselves to be converted by God’s love that transforms everything and that Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, may continue to accompany us on our journey.

Daphne HO, Fernando VIDAL, Diego PEREIRA

Rome, 7th May 2020

(Original : Spanish)

1 Fr. Arturo Sosa S.J., World Ecclesiastical Assistant (General Superior of the Society of Jesus)